Joburi in Social Media (3)

Pentru ca primul articolul si al doilea au fost foarte bine primite, iata ca revin cu inca unul. Sper sa va ajute si sa va gasiti locul de munca potrivit.


GMP PR cauta PR Director


Social Media Account Manager la STANDOUT

Cautam printre toti cei care au avut pana acum o experienta de cel putin 1 an ca Account Executive/Manager pe aceia care sunt pasionati de Social Media, de la bloguri si Facebook la Twitter, Pinterest si altele, care inteleg cum pot aceste canale sa genereze raspandire si implicare, si vor sa se afirme cu ideile lor de a maximiza aceste efecte.

Cerinte si responsabilitati:

– abilitati de project management – experienta constituie un avantaj

– abilitati de account/relationship management – experienta mai mare constituie un avantaj, cerinta minima = 1 an de experienta

– suport creativ in planificarea si dezvoltarea campaniilor- o cat mai buna stapanire a cifrelor si a literelor, a canalelor pe care ne desfasuram activitatea si a instrumentelor de lucru :)

Pentru orice intrebari sau pentru a candida, trimite-ne cv-ul pe adresa contact at standout punct ro. Detalii aici.

Senior PR manager + Social Media Manager la The Practice

Senior PR manager (4+ years of experience, previous PR agency experience is a must).

  • Passionate about fresh PR ideas
  • Able to manage campaigns from strategy to implementation
  • Highly skilled organizer
  • Strong media relationships

Social Media manager (2+ years of experience, previous PR agency experience is a plus).

  • A deep knowledge of how digital/ social media fits in the communications mix
  • Confident in the use of social media to meet the communication objectives
  • Excellent knowledge of analytics tools
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Please email CV and samples of your own work to All applications will be treated in the highest confidentiality. Details here

Office Manager la Hello Communication

„Cine mi-a luat pixul? Era ultimul!”; „Iar ati baut ma toata apa si n-ati dat comanda?”; „Chiar nu reprezinta nimeni agentia asta? Suna telefonul ala de 20 de minute!”

Suntem simpatici, suntem creativi, suntem amuzanti. Asa, si? Cand suna soneria, orice prietenie paleste, fiecare se face ca nu vede, nu aude. Recunoastem, suntem cam imprastiati si cateodata dezordonati.

De aceea avem zi de zi nevoie de TINE! Cine esti tu? Colega de treaba, isteata, prietenoasa si comunicativa pe care toata lumea o stie drept Office Manager-ul agentiei. E cea care ne organizeaza si stie sa fie autoritara cu cine trebuie, atunci cand trebuie.


Noi stim deja cine esti, stim ce calitati si competente ai. Si iti multumim. Ne mai trebuie doar un nume care sa corespunda portretului nostru de Office Manager ideal*.

CV-ul cu poza si o scrisoare de intentie la sunt doar o formalitate. Dar tu stii deja asta.

Social Media Insights / Market Development Insights for Worldwide la IBM

IBM’s Market Insights, Client Research organization provides value creation by delivering trusted, integrated strategic insights and recommendations that improve IBM business performance and fuel growth. We offer opportunities to impact critical business initiatives covering a wide range of strategic and execution issues. MI supports a wide range of executive clients across Marketing, Finance, Strategy, and other functions, collaborating with them to achieve their business goals. The Market Inteligence Analyst provides thought leadership and timely, actionable market insights.

The Social Media Research Analyst plays a critical role among the IBM Market Insights team. The Analyst’s primary responsibility is to develop compelling and creative analyses that provide actionable insights based on observed social media content and online behaviors. The role requires a quantitative and qualitative oriented individual who can review and manipulate large data sets and distill these data into both tactical and strategic insights.

Detalii aici

Social Media Coordinator la Bitdefender

The ideal candidate is a Social Media Marketing expert who actively uses Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and other Social Media platforms. If you are not an active user of these sites, then you are probably not the right person for this role. We are looking for someone who knows what is always up to date with the latest industry trends.

In this exciting role, you will work to expand the regional (Romanian) social media presence for Bitdefender together with the Global Social Media Team. The Social Media Coordinator will implement the company’s regional Social Media Strategy, developing brand awareness, generating inbound traffic and encouraging product adoption. This role coordinates with the internal Marketing and PR teams to support their respective missions, ensuring consistency in voice and cultivating a social media referral network.

Detalii aici

Account Executive la Mercury 360


Community and QA Manager at Dreamstime

We’re looking for a motivated, creative, detail-oriented, highly organized and sociable person to occupy a strategic role within our company. The Community and QA Manager will serve as liaison between client and company, will manage and coordinate the communication among several company departments, offshore depts included, will be a member of the Support department and will participate in the development of the company’s social media strategy. The ideal candidate should also have copywriting skills.

Detalii aici

Pastel isi cauta Account Manager


O campanie de recrutare exclusiv pe Facebook, aici

Digital Brand Consultant la Brandient

The candidate:

  • A motivated person with a passion for trying new things;
  • A brand consultant with excellent knowledge of web, mobile and social media;
  • Strong understanding of brand mechanics and communication;
  • Proven content management and creative writing skills;
  • Relevant experience of minimum 3 years, preferably in corporate/brand communication or marketing;
  • Maintaining a good personal blog is a strong plus.

The job:

  • Be part of a cool team;
  • Audit leading brands’ digital presence and experience;
  • Develop web, mobile and social media strategies;
  • Administer Brandient’s online presence;
  • Explore the opportunities in new technologies;
  • Have a close relationship with Mr. Mark Zuckerberg;

CV la

Account Manager la Webstyler


Cum mai gasesc joburi fac update aici. Daca aveti, stiti unde sa ma gasiti. Si daca nu va cautati, un share la acest articol poate sa va ajute prietenii aflati in cautare 🙂 Multumesc!


  1. Buna ziua este oarecum de off topic, dar am fost doresc să știe dacă bloguri folosesc editoare WYSIWYG sau dacă va trebui să cod manual cu HTML.
    Am început un blog în curând, dar nu au nici o codificare know-how așa
    că am vrut pentru a obține îndrumare de la cineva cu experiență.

    Orice ajutor ar fi mult extrem de apreciat!

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