Joburi în Digital (83)

Pentru că articolele din această categorie de „Joburi in Social Media” au fost bine primite, iată că revin cu ediția 83. Wow, vă dați seama că asta înseamnă că postez aceste joburi de aproape 7 ani? Vă doresc să vă ajute și să vă găsiți locul de muncă potrivit.

Digital Project Manager

We need someone who can manage the digital challenges for Romania’s most trusted online travel brand.

As part of the marketing department, you will be a key member to help us create value for our customers, helping us implement campaigns that are crucial in our journey to the next chapter of travel.

The ideal candidate is someone who wants to be part of a creative and solution-oriented team, who brings positive energy and fresh ideas, but most importantly, makes things happen.

Job description:

  • Develops and manages the execution of digital communication plans through internal channels such as: website, social media, email marketing;
  • Implements campaigns or provides implementation assistance by proposing actions that can help increase campaigns performance;
  • Cooperates with the other departments (Performance Marketing, IT, Customer Care, Accounting) and provides assistance to achieving company objectives;
  • Prepares reports and analysis of completed or undergoing projects and performs evaluation of regarding the degree of achievement of the objectives;
  • Proposes ideas and participates in brainstorming of campaigns and strategies;
  • Maintains and develops strategic relationships with business partners.

More info here

Social Media Executive

If you want to work in the fashion industry and be one step ahead of the others, Fashion Days is the place for you.

What will you do in our team?

  • Develops Fashion Days’ content strategy, according to the communication objectives of the brand;
  • Develops the monthly editorial calendar for Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok etc;
  • Constantly watches and reaches the established KPIs for each social media channel: reach, engagement, etc;
  •  Generates monthly reports regarding KPIs evolution and makes recommendations accordingly;
  • Coordinates with visual design, creative & styling teams for developing the necessary materials and content projects (including photo & video shootings);
  • Coordinates influencer marketing campaigns;
  •  Always up to date with the newest trends, features and best social media practices;
  • Follows social media trends when it comes to fashion and keeps an eye on client’s preferences and competitor’s actions, in order to identify attractive, efficient and original content features.

Apply here

Senior Account Executive

Cheil – Centrade cauta Senior Account Executive, doritor de evolutie rapida. Noi oferim oportunitati, conturi frumoase si echipa si ne dorim o persoana cu skillurile unui CS dornic de cariera: ambitie si determinare, eficienta, atentie la detalii, comunicativ.

Trimite-ne CV-ul tau AICI si hai sa ne cunoastem online, pentru inceput.

Social Media Specialist

2activePR caută Social Media Specialist într-o relație stabilă cu cifrele și cuvintele, de minimum 2 ani!

Cum ne-am dori să fii:

  • Să fii la curent cu trendurile și schimbările din Social Media și să jonglezi ușor cu ad-uri și rapoarte
  • Să îți placă cifrele și să fii pasionat de evoluția lor pozitivă
  • Să îți placă să scrii copy-uri și să fii bun la asta
  • Să fii proactiv și să vrei să lucrezi full time, de la 9AM – 6PM, la birou

Cum suntem noi:

  • Statisticile interne arată că aici o să găsești oameni cool, care te vor ajuta oricând ai nevoie
  • Suntem pasionați, tineri, râdem mult și ne place ceea ce facem

Cine sunt clienții noștri – branduri cunoscute din industrii diferite (retail, FMCG, fashion, beauty, IT) & echipe de oameni care iubesc cifrele

Dacă ești curios să afli mai multe despre noi și să ne spui mai multe despre tine, apasă pe Attach, dă-ne un mail cu CV-ul tău la și spune-ne în 2-3 rânduri cine ești, ce te pasionează și de ce ai vrea să fii parte din echipa noastră.

*Beneficiile, detaliile despre salariu și atribuțiile concrete le poți discuta cu colegii care se ocupă de procesul de recrutare.

Digital Media Campaign Specialist

A new opening of Digital Media Campaign Specialist is now available, based in Bucharest, for a growing and enthusiastic North American & European Business of Ipsos.

Core responsibilities:

• Manage end to end digital campaigns to drive online users to join Ipsos platforms using a variety of channels (affiliates, app install and in-app advertising, programmatic, social, mobile marketing etc.)
• Plan, budget, implement, monitor, create reports, and optimize campaigns in terms of volume, price, quality and conversion rates against KPI’s
• Develops objectives, plans and presentations for the market led
• Search, test, negotiate and implement new online traffic campaigns with new partners in North America & Europe
• Develop trusted relationships with various trading vendors on all aspects of the daily campaigns, from negotiations, to contract signing and campaign closure
• Pro-actively grow the digital business, help increase efficiencies and identify new opportunities to increase reach and calls to action

The ideal person:

• Minimum 2 years digital marketing/media experience
• Proven experience in planning, implementing, managing and optimizing digital media campaigns (cpc/cpm/cpa/cpv/cpi etc.), leveraging a wide range of platforms and channels
• Proven experience in working with: Web Analytics & Campaign Tracking Tools (e.g. Google Analytics, Tune, Kochava, Voluum, Cake, Adsbridge, Bemob), Pixel tracking/Implementation, URL parameters, ad-serving technologies
• Conversion rate optimization and CRO tool usage experience (Google Optimize, Crazy Egg, Hotjar, Omniconvert) would be a plus
• Proven experience in working with Facebook Ads Manager
• Certified in Google Adwords and other social media certification would be a plus
• Highly inquisitive about the latest innovations and passionate about delivering results
• Excellent relationship building abilities and an engaging attitude
• Experience in negotiating and working with multiple digital suppliers
• Analytical experience – evidence of having approached problems from a mathematical perspective and working through to a solution in a logical way
• Problem solving – Recognizes problems and responds; systematically gathers information; sorts through complex issues; seeks input from others; addresses root cause of issues; makes timely decisions; can make difficult decisions; communicates decisions to others
• Excel skills – medium level for reporting purposes
• Advanced English skills

Working schedule from 09:00- 18:00 RO time. To apply, please send your CV to

Social Media Ad Expert

Căutăm Social Media Strategist aka Social Media Ad Expert – specializat în:

*Facebook Posting – Ad Types – Lead Ads – Retargeting & Ad Campaigns,
*YouTube – Licensing – Scheduling – Upload Frequency – CTR – Uploads & Video Keyword Optimisations,
*Google Ads & Keyword Research

pentru a colabora pentru proiecte naționale și internaționale. Focusul proiectelor promovate și postate este educațional și spiritual – astfel o înțelegere a acestor domenii de activitate este recomandata.

Cererile trebuie trimise la Vă rugăm să includeți: nivelul de experiență, portofoliul complet cu statistici detaliate a rezultatelor și prețul (pe oră / pe proiect)

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