Nu sunt o patrioata. Sau poate da. Imi place tara asta, nu ma plang nonstop de ea, incerc sa vad partile pozitive si sa ma bucur de ele.
Nu sunt la extreme. Nu suport oamenii care o tin mereu pe a lor ca ce ghinion au ca s-au nascut aici, ca e plin de rromi si de maidanezi, ca nu se poate face nimic, ca o sa se mute in strainatate etc. Toate lucrurile rele li se intampla doar pentru ca traiesc in Romania. Ei nu sunt de vina deloc si daca ar trai in alta tara ar fi miliardari. Sigur ca da …
Si cand in jurul tau auzi prea multe voci care critica tara asta de parca ar fi cea mai rea posibila si nu se gandesc ca nicaieri nu curg rauri de aur si miere, e o adevarata placere si bucurie sa dai de articole scrise de straini care elogiaza Romania:
A colourful place to visit: Bucharest, the Capital of Romania
As I said in the beginning, Bucharest was voted one of the coolest cities in Europe. And that’s because people here know how to have fun and they don’t need much money to do so. Beer is very cheap, less than £1, and the food is amazing. Romanians are known worldwide for their great and tasty food and if you visit Bucharest you should definitely try some traditional courses. There’s a say that Bucharest has grown into a city of contrasts, that is probably why you only have two choices when it comes to it – love it or not.
Articol de aici, cu poze de pe Bucuresti Optimist.
Romania, a surprise
I rarely felt as safe in a foreign capital as I did in Bucharest. And I am not a naive tourist. There simply is no sign of threat whatsoever. I think Berlin and London are vastly more dangerous. So forget all that crap you hear.
I could say I don’t know what it is that is so damn appealing about being here, but I do. It’s the people. As a visitor you feel very welcome. The people are warm and enthusiastic. 99,9% of people I’ve spoken to (those includes mostly the younger generation) speak fluent English. They might even surprise you, because they speak 5 other languages as well, including yours. And if they do, they do it well. They seem to be extremely good educated and some are very well traveled.
There’s a sense of love for their own country, pride, the will to improve things, and a generally positive outlook to life. Perhaps this is blue-eyed, but it is the impression that I got from the people I have met here and spent some time with. Sometimes there’s an almost absurd talent. Go to a karaoke party (almost as popular here as in Japan!) and you’ll see (or rather hear) what I mean.
If Germany is Europe’s high-tech factory and France is Europe’s kitchen, then perhaps Austria is Europe’s ski-resort and England is where Europe’s humor comes from. But Romania is Europe’s heart. And it’s beating wildly.
Articolul complet este aici.
Iesiti pe strada, Mergeti pe strada. Zambiti unei persoane. Ajutati o batranica. Oferiti o jucarie unui copil. Stati pe iarba. Comunicati cu cei din jur. Vizitati cat mai multe locuri.
Romania e frumoasa, e tara noastra si merita sa fie descoperita si apreciata si de noi, nu doar de straini! Sustin tot ce am scris in articolul “Nu voi fi patrioata azi!”
Da, important este sa te bucuri de viata!
“they don’t need much money to have fun”
Mai bine spus “they don’t HAVE much money”